Free Family Tours at Boston Lodge
This month, we will be hosting x2 free Family Tours around our Boston Lodge works, where you can learn about the rich and exciting history of this historic site, where locomotives and carriages have been built and maintained for 200 years!
Tours will take place at 11:00 & 14:15 on Saturday 14th of October and Saturday 28th of October and will include a short train journey to & from the works, from Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Please note: these tours will be for families with children aged 10 years or older, and there must be 1 adult for every 2 children.
To book your place, please email with the following details:
- Day & time of the tour you wish to attend
- Your name
- Number of adults
- Number of children aged above 10 years
- Contact number
*These tours will be to help the NLHF Interpretation & Boston Lodge Project team develop the new public tours, starting in 2024. Participants will be asked to evaluate the tours at the end.